Letter Before Proceedings

First, you might receive a “Letter Before Proceedings” from the Local Authority. This letter is meant to let you know about their concerns and the possibility of going to court. It should explain what worries them, what support they’ve offered, and what steps they expect you to take. If you get this letter, you have the right to free legal advice (legal aid). You should contact a lawyer right away to get the help you need.

Pre-Proceedings Meeting or PLO (Public Law Outline)

You might also be asked to attend a “Pre-Proceedings Meeting” or “PLO (Public Law Outline)” meeting. It’s crucial to go to this meeting with legal representation. At this meeting, the Local Authority will provide a list of expectations to address the concerns about the child. If these expectations are not met, and safety worries persist, care proceedings may start.

Our experienced team is here to help you understand the process, your rights, and provide support during meetings and court appearances as necessary.

Care Proceedings and Court

If the Local Authority decides to go to court, there are several possible outcomes for Care Proceedings, which include:

  • Care Order
  • Supervision Order
  • Special Guardianship Order
  • Secure Accommodation Order
  • Placement Order

Legal Aid

Legal aid is automatically available for representation in PLO meeting or care proceedings if you are a parent or person with parental responsibility irrespective of how much money you earn.